Flood, NSW, Australia

Flood, NSW, Australia
Flood, NSW, Australia
(4) marks: 10

Last 2 weeks were really not easy ones for some regions in NSW, Australia. 2 weeks of rain and 2 strong storms caused a lot of damages. A lot of houses were left without electricity. New Castle was under the water and a lot of properties were damaged by flood and wind. It was really not comfortable at home when strong wind struck the windows. During these 2 weeks I had really enough time to understand that I am lucky as I live on the hill.

Flood NSW Australia Flood NSW Australia Flood NSW Australia Flood NSW Australia

But there is also a good side of such 2 weeks weather conditions:

As you probably know there is a problem with fresh water in Australia as there has been drought during the last 14 years. At the moment it is the 3rd level of water restricion (for example you can water plants only 2 days a week: Wednesday and Sunday). Dam water level had been aroung 36% until the last week. The NSW Government is planning to build a desalination plant to secure Sydney waters.

Today experts expect that water dam level will be more that 50% after these huge rains. It can take up to 3 weeks until all water comes to water reservoirs from the catchment area.

June 2007 is the rainiest one since the 1962 year.

I am very curious what level of water will be by the end of this week which I will check on Saturday in my local newspaper Manly Daily. We will see…

Date: 25/06/2007


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Comments (1)

Chester Cool

3 of 5


Such calamities really are annoying. Luckily were not affected by the flood, I sympathized with people affected by the flood.


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